I need brain food

things to do when bored

The Stranger in the Lifeboat 読みました

The Stranger in the Lifeboat / Mitch Albom 


“Are you here to save us?” His voice softened. “I can only do that,” he said, “when everyone here believes I am who I say I am.”


I can only do that when everyone here believes I am who I say I am.











“The distance between death and life is not as great as you imagine.” “Really?” Yannis turned his way. “Then why don’t people come back to Earth after they die?” The stranger smiled. “Why would they want to?”


“Worry is something you create.” “Why would we create worry?” “To fill a void.” “A void of what?” “Faith.”


“People are slowly dying everywhere,” he said. “They are also continuously living. Every moment they draw breath, they can find the glory I put here on Earth, if they look for it.”


“When someone passes, Benjamin, people always ask, ‘Why did God take them?’ A better question would be ‘Why did God give them to us?’ What did we do to deserve their love, their joy, the sweet moments we shared? Didn’t you have such moments with Annabelle?”